Tips to a successful career

Here are a few tips which will help you take charge and build a glorious career which hosts all your dreams!!
  • The first building blocks of a successful career are your values and strengths. The first thing that you need to do is zero down on your values and core skill set/ strengths. It is easier to connect and grew in a career or job which lines up with your inner values and allows you to play on your strengths. For example, if you have the flare to weave your thoughts into a well written article and foster the value of social liberation/ empowerment, a career as a journalist might be the right pick.
  • While singling out your dream career or job you need to make sure it fulfills your economic requirements. The career that you choose should at least remunerate you enough to pay your bills and lead a decent life. There is no point chasing a career dream which will only hand you blank cheques.
  •  Study the current job market, dig around, do a little research into different career scenarios that combine your values, strengths and are lucrative at the same time. With a shifty job market and ever changing economy one need to be up-to-date with the job trend of the hour!
  • Planning a successful career is quite similar to planning a holiday. You need to have a plan which highlights the 'to-dos' and which is at the same time flexible enough to fit in a few extra hours of sightseeing. Your career plan should list down the steps that you need to take to reach your final goal while giving you enough room to experiment and switch jobs if needed.
  • Knowing your core skills is not enough; you should also work on polishing them in order to stand out in the homogeneous crowd. Take classes, acquire a degree, gain some on the job experience, these will help you get an edge.
  • An important card which comes into play while finding the right job to build on a successful career is networking! Some of the best career job opportunities come knocking at your door if you have built a strong networking lane. Talk to people who are established in their particular field of career. Connecting with people and building a strong network is not that difficult thanks to social media; make a LinkedIn account, join various Facebook job communities these will help you with the initial push.
  • Once you have landed that dream job, try to reap in as much as you can. Be a good listener, learn the tricks of the trait, try and establish yourself as a team player and an efficient employee as this will not only help you grow in and with your organization but also help you get that impressive recommendation when you want to switch to a better job.

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