Career in Hospital Management and Administration

Introduction: In recent times, health care concept of the people have undergone a tremendous change which has lead to higher expectations and an increased demand for high quality medical care and facilities. Here comes the importance of Health/ Hospital Management. It is the latest concept in the field of management and one of the most lucrative and important careers in the health sector.
A career in Hospital management and administration is concerned with the organization, coordination, planning, staffing, evaluating and controlling of health services for the masses. The primary objective is to provide quality healthcare to people and that too in a cost-effective manner. Professional hospital administrators have proven how institutions can be managed proficiently, economically and successfully in a given time period.
Personal skill: To be a successful professional in this field you should have a service-oriented bent of mind and the capacity to work for long hours. Furthermore, you must have a high emotional quotient to survive the highly charged atmosphere of a hospital.
Other essential traits include skill to take swift decisions, a friendly approach towards work and the ability to handle work pressure, and the public at large. Also, if you possess the ability to cope up with deadlines, have excellent communication skills and leadership qualities then this is the right career for you.
Eligibility: An individual from a medical or a non-medical background can pursue a career in hospital administration/management. The pre-requisite is a graduation (medical/ non-medical) or a degree/ diploma in hospital administration.
The main professional courses available in this field are:
  • Bachelor of Hospital Management/ Administration
  • Post Graduate Diploma in Hospital Management/ Administration
  • Master of Hospital Administration
  • MBA in Hospital Administration
  • M.D/ M Phil in Hospital Administration
For the undergraduates there is a three year degree course i.e. Bachelor of Hospital Administration (BHA). For BHA program, the applicants should have completed their 10+2 with biology with 50% marks in aggregate.
Job Prospects: Fresh degree holders may start as assistant hospital administrators or as managers of non-health departments like finance. Opportunities to prosper in this field generally lie in private hospitals, National healthcare organizations and health insurance companies, Pharmaceuticals and Hospital Supply Firms, Medical Software Companies and medical consulting firms.
Career opportunities in the field of Hospital Management are increasing very rapidly not only because of the growing importance of hospital industry, but also with the difference in the nature of work in hospitals. They can work as Deans and Directors of Hospital superintendents, Deputy Superintendents, Medical directors, Nursing directors, Heads of departments and as Administrators with substantial managerial responsibilities. Hospital manager will be responsible for the overall organization and management of the hospital to ensure its smooth functioning with the objective of ensuring complete satisfaction.
Remuneration: The average starting salary for Hospital Administrator varies from Rs.12,000 to Rs. 40,000 per month vary from organization to organization. There is no constraint in higher remuneration for deserving candidates.


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